简介:Travis和Luke是一对儿关系稳定了的情侣。Travis开始埋怨 Luke每天只喝酒抽烟睡觉,却完全不关心自己。于是Travis和书友Mark见了面,还发生关系。很快东窗事发,Luke大怒,责问Travis,还威胁他停止和Mark的所有联系。Travis会怎么做选择?Mr.Rright 还是 M
简介:Catherine在一个抽干的蓄水池里发现了一名黑帮谋杀受害者的遗体,这触发了一系列的连锁事件,不知不觉间将她直接引向了Tommy Lee Royce。 Catherine的外孙Ryan现在16岁了,仍与她住在一起,但他对于想跟外祖母拒绝承认是他父亲的那个人建立何种关系,有着自己的想法。仍在与镇上似
简介:In an Edinburgh cellar, two gunshots ring out. Across town, Max McCall is released from prison. These two events gradually converge as Max tries to re
简介:A commercial diver is stranded on the seabed with 5 minutes of oxygen, but no chance of rescue for more than 30 minutes. With access to amazing archiv